Pixel Artist - Music Composer - Game Programmer

Ellen Knight

As someone who loves creative works of all kinds, I find myself diving into all kinds of topics to learn and discover what I can, especially when it comes to video games and their development. I specialise in pixel art and music composition for video games and would love to work with you on your projects.

Portfolio last updated19th October 2023

Pixel Art

I’ve been creating pixel art since 2016, and have regularly used it as cover art for my music releases, as well as several game jams I’ve been in, most recent that being the Cozy Autumn Game Jam 2023 and the MiniJam #143!

I specialise in tilesets and sprites, but have experience with sprite animation, and am happy to explore other areas of pixel art!


I’ve been producing music since 2013, and have been releasing my tracks to various platforms including Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, and Soundcloud. I’ve also produced music for various projects, including my university work, which has allowed me to experiment with genres I usually wouldn’t touch!

I specialise in producing retro styled tracks in variety of genres, including Drum & Bass and House. I also have experience with orchestral and atmospheric music


I started learning to code in 2010, and eventually went on to get a 2:1 BsC degree for computer games programming. Ever since then I have been partaking in various game jams, and more recently delved into the details of graphics rendering.

[More Portfolio Videos to Come Soon!]

Video games is a creative medium that I have found utterly fascinating throughout my life, and I have spent a large amount of time studying all the different areas of work that go into making them, as well as coming up with my own ideas as well. While currently graphics rendering is the topic I am most interested in right now, my mind is very much open to explore and learn about various other programming topics too!


I am currently looking for work, you can contact me via email at e.knight.business@gmail.com